earthing bed sheet

What To Look For When Buying Earthing / Grounding Bed Sheets

Steve Dalloway – March 2024 25 When you are looking to buy a new Earthing or Grounding Bed Sheet or in fact any Earthing product, you need to check out a few things from the company on the screen in front of you. With all these items offered by the likes of Amazon / eBay […]

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Why You Should Try Earthing Your Body When Sleeping

Steve Dalloway – May 2023 Have you ever heard of earthing? It’s a simple practice that involves connecting your body to the Earth’s natural energy by walking outside barefoot, or sleeping on a special grounding mat. You may be thinking, “Does this really make a difference?”. Well, the answer is yes! In this blog post,

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The Benefits of Earthing: How It Works and Why You Should Try It

Steve Dalloway – April 2023 Have you ever heard of “Earthing”? Also known as Grounding, this practice involves connecting your body to the Earth’s natural electrical charge by either walking barefoot or using an earthing mat, bed sheet or pillow case at home. While it may sound like some kind of hippie pseudoscience, there is

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Sleep Apnea And Earthing Bed Sheets

By Steve Dalloway – June 2022 As a UK manufacturer of Earthing or Grounding Bed Sheets and Pillowcases, we are constantly amazed by what our customers tell us about the positive health benefits our products have on them. Sleep Apnea was to us a very new thing in 2022, but as you will discover below,

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Earthing Bed Sheets and Arthritis Sufferers

By Steve Dalloway – March 2022 Whist we don’t specifically promote our UK Made Organic Cotton Earthing Bed Sheets for helping people who suffer from Arthritis, however just recently we’ve been having some quality feedback to suggest that they really do help. Its quite amazing to read how our Earthing Bed Sheets are actually helping

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Sleep Earthed - Grounding Sheets

Earthing Pillow Cases And Dreaming At Altitude

By Steve Dalloway – Jan 2022. As a complete earthing enthusiast, I was on holiday recently and I decided to take with me my Earthing Pillow Cases. As I sleep much better when I am at home with my fully fitted bed sheet, I was curious to see how the Earthing pillow cases would work

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Why is Grounding or Earthing so good for my body ?

By Steve Dalloway – Sleep Earthed – October 2021. So if you were walking along bare foot on a beautiful beach or through soft grass on your lawn at home, you are without knowing it practicing “Earthing” or “Grounding”. It really feels good doesn’t it ? But do you really know why ? It may

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Sleep Earthed Organic Bed Earthing Sheet Label

Do Earthing Or Grounding Sheets Really Work ?

By Steve Dalloway – Sleep Earthed – August 2021   A lot of people before they buy, really want to have this question answered, so from a manufacturers and users point of view I can tell you what they did for me. So at Sleep Earthed we major on telling people about the Sleep Benefits

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