Earthing Mats

The Benefits of Earthing Mats for a Good Night’s Sleep

In the quest for a restful night’s sleep, many have turned to traditional methods such as meditation, essential oils, or even prescription medications. However, an increasingly popular natural solution is gaining attention for its simple yet effective approach to improving sleep quality: earthing mats and earthing bed sheets. This innovative range of products not only […]

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Grounding Vs Earthing: The Power of Connection with Sleep Earthed’s Grounding Sheets

In the world of health and wellness, two terms have been making waves over the past few years – Grounding and Earthing. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they both refer to the same pretty amazing concept of reconnecting with the Earth’s energy for enhanced well-being. Sleep Earthed, is a UK based Earthing Bed

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Snoring and Earthing Bed Sheets

By Steve Dalloway – May 2022 When you or your partner snores in bed, it can be utterly devastating for the other. From personal experience, I know all to well how getting an unbroken nights sleep is very difficult when your significant other half snores. There are a lot of so called cures out there

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Why Does goop love Grounding Earthing Sheets?

As an avid fan of the goop website ourselves, we’re also advocates of the power of wellness and wellbeing through earthing and are aware of the many considerable benefits earthing can provide to aid a better nights sleep through the use of grounding earthing mats and earthing pillows. In a recent article, Earthing: The Art

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