better sleep

Earthing Half Sheet or a Full Fitted Sheet – What should I buy ?

Steve Dalloway – June 2024   VS  So Half Sheet or Full Fitted Sheet ? HELP – I don’t know what to buy ! We get this question a lot, so I thought this post might help some undecided Earthing Newbies out there make the choice a little easier….. As we’ve been manufacturing these products […]

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The Benefits of Earthing Mats for a Good Night’s Sleep

In the quest for a restful night’s sleep, many have turned to traditional methods such as meditation, essential oils, or even prescription medications. However, an increasingly popular natural solution is gaining attention for its simple yet effective approach to improving sleep quality: earthing mats and earthing bed sheets. This innovative range of products not only

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Get a Better Night’s Sleep with Earthing Bed Sheets and Pillowcases

Steve Dalloway – April 2023 We all know that sleep is important for our health and well-being, but did you know that what you sleep on can affect the quality of your sleep? That’s right, the type of bedding you use touching your skin can impact how deeply and for how long you sleep. In

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Why You Should Try Earthing Your Body When Sleeping

Steve Dalloway – May 2023 Have you ever heard of earthing? It’s a simple practice that involves connecting your body to the Earth’s natural energy by walking outside barefoot, or sleeping on a special grounding mat. You may be thinking, “Does this really make a difference?”. Well, the answer is yes! In this blog post,

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The Benefits of Earthing: How It Works and Why You Should Try It

Steve Dalloway – April 2023 Have you ever heard of “Earthing”? Also known as Grounding, this practice involves connecting your body to the Earth’s natural electrical charge by either walking barefoot or using an earthing mat, bed sheet or pillow case at home. While it may sound like some kind of hippie pseudoscience, there is

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Can Earthing Help Reduce Inflammation in the Body? Here’s What You Need to Know!

Steve Dalloway – March 2023 Living in a world filled with rapidly evolving technology and gadgets can easily alienate us from nature, but did you know that making a conscious effort to connect with the earth can ultimately do wonders for your health? The practice of earthing, or grounding, is a concept that has been

Can Earthing Help Reduce Inflammation in the Body? Here’s What You Need to Know! Read More »

Sleep Apnea And Earthing Bed Sheets

By Steve Dalloway – June 2022 As a UK manufacturer of Earthing or Grounding Bed Sheets and Pillowcases, we are constantly amazed by what our customers tell us about the positive health benefits our products have on them. Sleep Apnea was to us a very new thing in 2022, but as you will discover below,

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Snoring and Earthing Bed Sheets

By Steve Dalloway – May 2022 When you or your partner snores in bed, it can be utterly devastating for the other. From personal experience, I know all to well how getting an unbroken nights sleep is very difficult when your significant other half snores. There are a lot of so called cures out there

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Earthing Bed Sheets and Arthritis Sufferers

By Steve Dalloway – March 2022 Whist we don’t specifically promote our UK Made Organic Cotton Earthing Bed Sheets for helping people who suffer from Arthritis, however just recently we’ve been having some quality feedback to suggest that they really do help. Its quite amazing to read how our Earthing Bed Sheets are actually helping

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